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The Greatest Story Ever Told
Here's why Jesus Christ really came to earth...from His birth to His resurrection.

Creator Or Liar?
The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered, and why we must trust Jesus Christ.

The Empty Tomb
The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven.

The Word Became Flesh 
Almost all Scripture. Give it to those with no Bible training, and they will understand who Jesus Christ is.

Who Is He?
The world is confused about who Jesus Christ is. It's a mistake they can't afford to make.

Big Daddy?
A student proves evolution is full of holes.

This Was Your Life!
Will your name be in the Book of Life?
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Genesis 1:21
And God created great whales...
Job 40:15-18
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee...
Maranatha! Praise Band - Jesus, Mighty God

Haven Of Rest Quartet - Be Ye Holy

Maranatha! Praise Band - No Not One/You Are My Rock

Händel Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus
Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook? Job 41:1-2, 7, 14, 26-33
Answers in Genesis